sábado, 1 de agosto de 2015



Informaçao especializada



Image ch3fb1.jpg

 Anterior thyroid.jpg 

Anatomia da tiroide

 Fig 1.1 - Vasculature of the thyroid gland. The inferior thyroid artery is not visible from this anterior view.


Bioquimica das hormonas tiroideias

    Thyroid Function at Progressive Medical Center

Thyroid Levels

Fisiologia da tiroide

Foliculos tiroideus



Receptores da hormona  tiroideia

Informaçao especializada


Bocio multinodular

Figure 17-3: Mild iodine deficiency associated or not with smoking, presence of natural goitrogenic, drugs, familial goiter, genetic markers and gender (women) will decrease the inhibition of serum T4 on the pituitary thyrotrophs. Increased TSH production will cause Diffuse goiter followed by nodule formation. Finally, after decades of life, a large multinodular goiter is present with cystic areas, hemorrhage, fibrosis and calcium deposits.

Cancros da tiroideia



Classificaçao dos cancros da tiroide


  • Diagram showing stage T1a thyroid cancer

·         T1a – the tumour is entirely inside the thyroid and is less than 1cm across in any direction

  • Diagram showing stage T1b thyroid cancer

·         T1b – the tumour is entirely inside the thyroid and is more than 1 cm but no more than 2cm across in any direction

  • Diagram showing stage T2 thyroid cancer

·         T2 – the tumour is entirely inside the thyroid and is more than 2cm but no more than 4cm across in any direct

  • Diagram showing stage T3 thyroid cancer

·         T3 – the tumour is more than 4cm across or it has begun to grow into tissues close to the thyroid

  • Diagram showing stage T4a thyroid cancer

·         T4a – the cancer has grown outside the covering of the thyroid gland into nearby soft tissue, such as the voice box (larynx), windpipe (trachea), food pipe (oesophagus) or the voice box nerve (recurrent laryngeal nerve). T4a thyroid cancer is called moderately advanced thyroid cancer.

  • Diagram showing stage T4b thyroid cancer

·         T4b – the cancer has grown outside the thyroid gland into the area surrounding the bones of the spine, or one of the main blood vessels in the neck area. T4b thyroid cancer is called very advanced thyroid cancer.

Cancro anaplastico

Carcinoma medular da tiroide

Carcinoma de celulas de Hurthle

Carcinoma papilar

Cirurgia da tiroide

Crise tireotoxica

Ver tambem hipertiroidsmo

Crise tireotoxica após tiroidectomia

Defeito do transporte  das hormonas tiroideias

Deficiencia em iodo

Doença autoimune da tiroide
Ver Hashimoto

Doença de Grave

Doenças da tiroide e diabetes

Doenças da tiroide e gravidez

Exame clinico da tiroide

examination of thyroid



Brain-thyroid link


Hipotiroidismo congenito

Jaundice in newborn.jpg

3 month old infant with untreated CH; picture demonstrates hypotonic posture, myxedematous facies, macroglossia, and umbilical hernia

Close up of face, showing myxedematous facies, macroglossia, and skin mottling^ 

Hipotiroidismo na gravidez

Linfomas da tiroide

Lymphoma is located within the thyroid
Lymphoma is located within the thyroid and regional lymph-nodes
Lymphoma is located at both sides of diaphragm
Dissemination of lymphoma

Miopatia tireotoxica

Mutaçoes nos receptores da TSH

Nodulos da tiroide

Oftalmopatias tiroideias

Long-standing thyroid ophthalmopathy with typical features of lid retraction (upper and lower) and scleral show with proptosis. This patient's chief complaint was binocular vertical diplopia. A small right hypotropia was observed on alternate cover testing.


Resistencia à hormona tiroideia


Tiroidite de Riedel

Tiroidite  subaguda

Tiroidite de De Quervan

Tumor estimulante da TSH

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